How to be Cozy After the Holidays

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December is “fun” winter - traditions, fires, warmth.

January and February are “is it spring yet” winter - looking forward to warmer weather while enduring cold, bleak temperatures.

It’s a time to look forward to a fresh start while still experiencing the same cold, gray time from mere weeks ago. You want to create moments of reflection and inspiration that connect you to your space.

Here are three ways I enjoy the winter weather while keeping a fresh perspective and excitement for warmer months ahead.

1. Lighting Makes the Difference

Without the twinkling holiday lights, your space may feel a bit cold and empty. Take this time to put your overhead lights on dimmers. This will give you more control over the mood lighting in your space as the days start to get longer.

It’s a lot of work to put all your light switches on dimmers. Do a few every January and in a few years, you’ll be all set!

You can also get a lamp for that dark corner. There are lots of battery-powered light bulbs now that make it easier to put lamps in any area you wish.

2. Scent Creates Moments

Fragrance sets the space. I mean, you could have the most beautiful, all-marble kitchen but if it smells like last night’s dinner, you’re going to move to another room (after taking out the trash!).

Choosing a new fragrance accomplishes two goals:

  1. You associate the space with a new scent, turning the new page for the new year.

  2. The light given off but the candle or oil diffuser will create a beautiful glow.

3. Touch and You’ll Feel

For one day, take note of everything you touch. It’s more than you think!

What do you touch the most? A door knob? Cabinet pull? A chair?

Choose one to create an experience around. Change out your door knobs or cabinet pulls. Replace a worn out chair. Add a cozy blanket in a light color.

How is this cozy? You’re creating small moments of enjoyment in your home that you feel throughout the day.


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